Gospelproject.com Website Review

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Summarized Content

it is god’s plan to rescue his people from sin through the life, death, and resurrection of his son, jesus christ. and it changes everything. moral stories become a master plan. a church becomes a culture of grace. good deeds become a holy mission. the gospel project exists to point kids, students, and ad*lts to the gospel of jesus christ. through weekly group bible studies and additional resources, all ages discover how god’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout scripture and still today, compelling them to join in this volume, kids, students, and ad*lts will discover how god’s provision for the israelites set the stage for a glorious. “we are seeing young people and older people become disciple makers.”. “nothing produces heart change and spiritual fruit like gospel-saturated bible study.”. “we want to do more of these bible studies with our dads.”. do*nload four sessions of the gospel project for ad*lts, students, kids, and preschool. your obligation-free preview includes leader and learner resources, plus additional resources including the 99 essential doctrines. the gospel project provides theological yet practical, age-appropriate bible studies that immerses your entire church in the story of the gospel, helping to develop a gospel culture that leads to gospel mission: gospel story: immersing people of all ages in the storyline of scripture: god’s plan to rescue and redeem his creation through his gospel culture: inspiring communities where the gospel saturates our experience, and doubters become believers who become declarers of the gospel mission: empowering believers to live on mission, declaring the good news of the gospel in word and deed.. gospel foundations: a year through the storyline of scripture. storyline of scripture. designed for groups that meet around 40 times a year, each video-enhanced session helps engage participants in discussion and provides a clear understanding of how each text fits into the larger storyline of scripture.

Gospelproject Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: The Gospel Project: Christ-Centered Bible Studies and Could be improved
Description: The Gospel Project shows God’s plan of redemption unfolds through all Scripture with chronological Bible studies for kids, students, and
H1: HomeIs it informative enough?
H2: Christ-centered, chronological Bible studies for all ages
H3: PRESCHOOLIs it informative enough?

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Internal Pages


The Gospel Project for Kids: Christ-Centered Bible Study Curriculum


The Gospel Project takes kids on a chronological journey through the Bible, showing them how all Scripture points to Jesus in every lesson.


The Gospel Project for Kids


Vol. 1: In the Beginning


The Gospel Project for Students: Christ-centered Bible Studies


The Gospel Project helps students center their lives on the gospel, replacing the desire to be “good” with the empowering transformation that comes only from Jesus Christ.






Vol. 1: In the Beginning

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The Gospel Project for s: Christ-centered, Chronological Bible Studies



The Gospel Project helps Bible study groups encounter the gospel of Jesus Christ on every page of Scripture. This chronological, Christ-centered Bible study will help you turn the gospel story into a gospel culture and motivate s to mission at home and around the world.



The Gospel Project for s



Vol. 1: In the Beginning

All the information about gospelproject.com was collected from publicly available sources

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