Konkuri.com Website Review

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Website Value $1065
Alexa Rank 637586
Monthly Visits 11833
Daily Visits 395
Monthly Earnings $59.17
Daily Earnings $1.97
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Konkuri.com Server Location

Country: Ireland
Metropolitan Area: Dublin
Postal Reference Code: D02
Latitude: 53.3338
Longitude: -6.2488

Summarized Content

THE SIMPLEST WAY TO MANAGE YOUR LEAGUES AND SHARE THE RESULTS ONLINE. Konkuri is a web application for tournament and league management. Imagine a basketball league: how do you create the schedule and share the results with the participants? Konkuri is a very simple tool to do so...or just a group of friends. Konkuri will support a huge number of sports and games and a variety of tournament systems (round-robin, Paper notes or even pdf files are so hard to organize, share and archive. Forget all that! With Konkuri your competitions results will be communicated in real time to participants and archived permanently. This is truly an outstanding tournament management program, that I recommend being one of the best in the world! It caters for tournament organizers of all kinds, from am*teur competitions to online matches between friends. Konkuri is an awesome Tournament app, we needed this for streetball back in the day! If you plan to have organize tournaments in your neighborhood, with kids or even online games, Konkuri is the tool you should use. Konkuri is a great site and extremely useful if you’re into sports leagues. Sports enthusiast and sports manager would love this new site which is named as Konkuri. @konkuri We thank you for your hospitality on your wonderful site! Keep up the good work! O Konkuri é uma ferramenta interessante que lhe permite gerar torneios desportivos de forma simples e rápida. The customisable content makes it incredibly easy to run the competition the way that I want to. Konkuri conforms to my ways, not The real beauty of Konkuri is that when you register for a free account, all your tournaments are permanently saved to the database to Pretty interface and very simple to use. I see this coming in handy for some FIFA tourneys… Konkuri has a lot of features that are designed to make it not only easy to set up, but easy for people following or playing in your Konkuri is an application that makes the setting up a sports tournament just as fun as playing in one

Konkuri Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Tournament and league manager | Could be improved
Description: Konkuri is a powerful tournament and league management software: create the schedule, share the results online, communicate with
H1: The simplest way to manage your leaguesand share the results online
H3: Your tournament literally on a silver plateIs it informative enough?

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Internal Pages


Tournament and league manager | Konkuri


Konkuri is a powerful tournament and league management software: create the schedule, share the results online, communicate with participants.


The simplest way to manage your leaguesand share the results online


Your tournament literally on a silver plate


Tournament/league website | Konkuri


Tour: Tournament/league website




Tournament/league website


Super easy league builder


Create tournament/league | Konkuri


Create tournament / league


Create tournament/league


Create "building" competitions with any number of participants. It's free.


Latest tournaments/leagues | Konkuri


Konkuri is a powerful tournament and league management software: create the schedule, share the results online, communicate with participants.


Featured tournaments


Find tournament/league


Create an organization profile | Konkuri


Create an organization profile


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Organization info


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All the information about konkuri.com was collected from publicly available sources

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